Lydia Khunou

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Lydia Khunou
What job i'm looking for? My positive points
Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing this application letter because I would like to work with your company, I've always wanted to work with you and after careful consideration , I believe that you are the right person to help me get my foot in the door , One of my biggest strengths is my creativity and ability to use language seamlessly I'm able to perform under pressure & meet deadlines also I'm quick and always eager to learn new techniques.

Warm Regards
Preferred occupation:
General jobs
Preferred work location:
North West
Contacts and general information about me
Day of birth:
2004-03-16 (20 years old)
Residential location:
North West
Telephone number:
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Additional information
Salary you wish:
5000 R per month
How much do you earn now:
1500 R per month
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